Saturday, September 14, 2013

Facebook Chat Bar Effects

Its always great to be able to underline and bold text to emphasize it. You can easily do it inside Facebook chat,
  • To write bold text in Facebook chat, just wrap it inside asterisks(*). Thus *How To Write Bold Text in Facebook Chat?* will display as, How To Write Bold Text in Facebook Chat?
  • To underline text in Facebook chat, enclose it in underscores(_). Thus _I like to be on top of a line_ will display I like to be on top of a line.
Now you must be thinking how to write italic text in Facebook chat?. But unfortunately, its not possible to italic text in Facebook chat at this time. I’ll update this post as soon as this feature is available.

New Facebook Theme

New Version Of FaceBook If Any One Want To Get This New Version Of Facebook Then Follow The Instructions Please 

.Open Your facebook Timeline.
New Faceb
● Go to this Link
● Press Ctrl + A. All text 'll be selected then Press Ctrl + C all
the text 'll be copied !
● After then Go to your Facebook Profile ! In Chrome Browser
Press Ctrl + Shift + J & in Mozilla Press Ctrl + Shift + K & Opera Press Ctrl + Shift + J Chrom Ctrl + Shift + J
● A box 'll be open Name : Console. Then Paste All the copied TexT By pressing ctrl+v 
● Now Press Enter & wait for 3 Minutes refresh the page & Enjoy !